Mans Dream, a threesome with 2 girls...
Theres a dream ofmany man , one day try it with2 Girls. Its easy ,but no so easy like it seeems.
For me i prefer , have 2 nice guy eat me , than 2 girls and one man. you ever tryed, me one time, but like..if the persons fit together.
If doing with 2 Girls, i am not so easy, bcs .....................ok if i would not like yoiu or dont care, than i could do, but much better you find the girls by your self.
If youre walk in the bar, its easy to find in some places...but will you enjoy?? thats another question.
what rehualr the giirls doing , is make a copy pussy lick and some kissing( copy pussy licks hair over and can see all) ,and yes a fucksession., but its ok
The way to sucess is.,,, keeptime to fine the right girls, if you get them in partymode, some aljkeholic drinks,,,please not to much !! bcs than the fun is you must find the right level. make somejoking, get the girls feel like they controll, see their behaviour and eyes.. dont push them, give them a good feeling,and not that they a sex machine ,yes if all this is ok./.you would get the perfect threesome.
Belive me perfect threesome are rare.............................
In Thailand there aresome places , for easy and funny relaxing girls
like in bangkok
EDEN CLUB Sukhumvit Soi 7/1 in Bangkok, Thailand is organized around the threesome you have to take at least two women when you go there. When you show up at the bar the women line up against the wall. There is a line in the middle and those on one side of the line will do anal while those on the other won’t. A lot of other services are available and some women are open to it all. The women aren’t the most beautiful in Bangkok but they’re willing and able and a few are pretty attractive. The cheapest option is 90 minutes with two women for 6000 Baht. and rooms are upstairs you don’t have to pay any extra bar fines or room fees.
DEVILS DEN Soi LK Metro in Pattaya, the case. Today I think the Devil’s Den is a little better. The women are more attractive and seem to have better attitude even the price is a little lower.there is a two girl minimum and the place has it’s own rooms (complete with mirrored walls and toys) upstairs. The Devil’s Den has a good website that shows most of the women who work there, lists what they will and won’t do, and also shows results of their regular STD tests. The cheapest option is 90 minutes with two women for 4000 Baht.
there are 4 clubs in the same road, where you can do easily 3 somes or even take a breakin one of the separes..easy going , cheap and reliable. The girls are from 1000 to 1500 deoending what you wnat . Great fun..secret hidden places ,soi aruno thai clubs like pirates , the four or james bond club 07, the B
SFAmous and Great Soi 6
an always good enjopyable place if you go out alone , is soi 6 , many bars as much as 50++ will await you, with a little fun and pay some ladydrinks you could get the best sex in town, from 3 somes to what ever , even partys..for visit use my instructions to get the right one. many diffrent bars fromopen bars to airon bars..prices starts 1000 until 3000 and barfines 300 to 800. enjoy a great time out
Soi Excite ...a small club , but famous quiet bussy, sometime to bussy.try it, you could have a great time clube beer and cheap girls..sometime drunk and funny a lot
Discos along walkingstreet ,like insoonia .. try your could end up lucky ..or unlucky..prices from 0 to over 5000.. many working girls,and many bullshit girls ( they are workers but telliing storys) its a lucky draw