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last chance to visit me, next year want a boyfriend...who will be???

Visit me...youre aloneand board...i still have my offer 1 week thailand holiday all inclusive, dont take risks,and not think tomuch.

its an easy way, send me anemail Please i answer only emails with a nice picture of you,and maybe tell something about you,soi know who you are, because i dont take anybody bcs if we stay a week it must fit together, any emails with stupid questions and without pic i will not answer.

If you know who to tread a woman good, tan you finda dreamgirl,dont worry about age or looking,also important is the inside or heart and brain,moreimport like the size ofyour dick.

so try me.....

i would pick you up from bangkok airport and return withmy car. during your stay you will stay all day and night with me, sorry maybe 1-2 houri need time forme, but the rest always. we can go with my car to nearby beaches or visit in the evening bars and clubs or just sit romantic and visit the sunset.

East coast regionis highly recomanded for holidays. There aremany attraktions and highly developed,so you fine here restaurants from a - like american until s like spanish ,,or many germans swiss.

Many PArks l,many beaches many nearby islands.

Andthenightlife here is worldfamous

You dontneed any visa or anything...just buy a ticket and come. We can choose a place together ori lways have a nice resort at the beaches for special price.

you think 999 euro are a lot for a week,no its not..... its absolut worth the trip

Just ty tell you at themoent i am single, and i offer this holiday until end of 2019 and hope during the next year that i find a boyfriend of my customer visiting thats your chance....

But i make only ONE DATE PERMONTH so time and dates with me arelimited....

ilike to enjoy with man , and this i can do only if we spend time together .,thats why i dont like short dates..i need feeling for my dates

kiss nok


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