Songran Fest 2018 pic and vdo collection
like always in april their is the waterfestival..look the pics and vdos it will tell all. one day you have to join this big party around...

April/May 2017 SWISS ,snow fun and visit customer...a prefect holiday
Attached some nice pics from my trip to swiss in apirl,may. I enjoyed a lot , i was very lucky to see snow. there was 3 days , where the...

beewteen 12 and 20.4 there was the songkran festivalin thailand, the water festival. thsi year it was lot more quiet , than the eyars...

Happynew year the 2nd... the chinese new year 29.01.2017
Die Thais haben ein speziellen Talent : Sie feiern ausländische Feiertage mit der gleichen Begeisterung wie die eigenen. Das wird...

Mans Dream, a threesome with 2 girls...
Theres a dream ofmany man , one day try it with2 Girls. Its easy ,but no so easy like it seeems. For me i prefer , have 2 nice guy eat me...

its fun, its safe, its a friendly country. Visit bangkokand pattaya, and your dreams come true. The old song "one night in bangkok..."...

last chance to visit me, next year want a boyfriend...who will be???
Visit me...youre aloneand board...i still have my offer 1 week thailand holiday all inclusive, dont take risks,and not think tomuch. its...

YOU KNOW ??? Ladyboy or Lady??
You visiting Pattaya or Tailand ? Thailand ladyboys are a common concern of newbies coming to the city. because in many photos ladyboys...

Plan a 8 nights/10day Trip to Thailands East Coast and Bangkok for Singles
Many people thinking about going to Thailand. But their is always the same question. what i can expcet there? are their nice girls? what...

My holidays in Swiss and Austria
I am a little crazy girl, so i not remember all places i go,specially the names of mountains and lakes. But i had a good time,first was...