here, with so many woman, some get crazy and funny...foreigner dancing for lady
one of the last days of the year, i went drink outside . Normallly the girls are dancing or having fun. this dy i was surprised.
There was an guy from england or Ireland just dancing on the stage , ge just showed anything.
he was so funny ,that many ladys gave gim tips, he takes more money like the girls dancing.
i always think he would do the same in england??
i dont think so ......really enjoyed
Many think when come to thailand , here its like 3rd world,no it is not. We are developed, its not only fun and bitches . We have worldclass factorys with world marketleaders like delta electronics or ThaiCarbon , we have excellent infrastructure even in the countryside,worldclass restaurants,bars and shopping.
Our culture is friendly , we are the land of smile.
Later on itell you more about the beauty of the nature..................
but like this foto thats what foreigners think, but thats not Thai, thats just fun
and ,any eurpean ladys think bd about us . WHY ??? they are arrogant. when germany was more poor, many ladys searching for an GI for better living, even in 90s when the GDR opens they looking for money or new boyfriend from the west. look now in south of europe...ohhh many fuck now, bcs econommy no good.
so have to understand thaigirls, they like fun and looking for Boyfriend..they are girls no prositute like in europe.
we are the land of smile