its fun, its safe, its a friendly country. Visit bangkokand pattaya, and your dreams come true. The old song "one night in bangkok..." makes your heart go faster, is over, Bangkok is not a place for nightlife more. The old times are gone.amd many bars and gogos shut down. In Pattaya, still is a relaxing place.. thee ast coast is full off surprises. The best nightlife in the world. But its on the brink fo change. Visit Pattaya now, maybe in 5 years its tol late. If you know the old will see already a change,partly to the good and partly to the bad. I start with the good part , the infrastructure and reastaurnats and all was never better than today. the bad part , their are less girls in the city and many bars and smaller shops shutting down,police trun strict on closing hours. Waht the hell they not understand in bangkok, they want to turn the city to a fammilly resort , who the hell want to come here ..and as well with a big pocket fullof money , its a joke,for famillys are much better resorts inthe worls and in thailand. Their is massive loos of incomming all around the city , because their is less of the tradinal tourism. Sex Tourists was regualr guys comming,spending more than any other form of tourism, supporting girls, famillys and spending the money in smaller hotels ,shops and restaurants. But they try to stop it....what result in low class and non spending china torism. You can dream of a familly resort ok... but nobody ever stops here for somebody walking over the street, yes its an adventure for famillys !! Their are much more adventures for them, for not returning the second time. I hope the old times come back, but i think they will soon visit pattaya and east coast now, before its all gone.. Its a place singles love.!!! around pattaya beautiful beaches, in the city many nightlife fantastic shows and more,nearly all buissenes here are related to singles or yound couple ITS THE FUN CITY .and MUST STAY AS FUNCITY , only like this it can generate incomming for the samll buissenes owners, barworkers and related. Beacuase the Girls not doing enough money , their are less beautiful girls in the city year by year,their are 2 problems..first the state, who want to change pattayas tourism and second the low incommings of the tradional tourists, bcs normal people earning much less today than years ago, likein england,germany ,usa..and the very rich guys not comming here..that is and was the resort of the average man ...the worker, the penionist and so on. Pattaya need themmore than everto support small buissenes and hotels, bars, girls and all related.
thats my thing about pattaya. and thats waht the press say...........
Thailand’s tourism minister, has pledged to bring an end to the country’s sex industry.
They wants Thailand to be about quality tourism. “We want the sex industry gone,” stheysaid. “Tourists don’t come to Thailand for such a thing. They come here for our beautiful culture.”
Thailand’s millions of sex tourists would disagree. Pattaya, a beach resort and one of the country’s sex tourism hotspots, was the target for a pilot program that would then be introduced country wide. The aim was to rebrand Pattaya from a place for tourists to come in pursuit of sex, into a hub for water sports. The area is home to more than 1,000 bars and massage parlors which operate as brothels. While Thailand’s efforts to clean up its image appear positive, the effects could prove detrimental for the country’s sex workers. the isex ndustry employs 250,000 people, although other accounts say it is far higher. As for the economy, there are concerns that getting rid of the sex industry could result in falling income from tourism Tourism brings in about 10 percent of the country’s GDP Thailand wants high spenders