What is a Thai kik?
The Thai word Kik (or Gek, Geek or Gik) is a fairly new slang word for when a girl or guy has a friend on the side. It’s similar to a “friend with benefits”. This relationship trend is becoming very popular in Thai culture. If you come vacation or travel to Thailand, you will see it for yourself..The term Gik or Kik refers to the person you are having an affair with in English I guess you would call this person your lover, however in Thailand being a Kik doesn’t necessarily mean you have sexual relations with the person you are a Kik to. It’s more like a companion for when you’re feeling lonely and/or just want to go out and have fun.But for me, I not happy when it not come to sexual relation was well, it makes me feel bad,like my Kik dont like me. Most Girls yes, but me, i am natural horney,so for me its a must to have good sexual relation as well.
The advantage of having a Kik as Man, you are not in reponisbility, you have your freedom of live and never hear storys and problems and a Kik give you full compensation.
That is the livestyle Nok is living. No boyfriend,no jealous husband, but Kiks.
Kiks taking care me,loving me and give freedom. and i real horney girl surprise you with very good sex and fun, in compensation. when i have kik , tht means " i have the pussy,so i make the rules" , but i give him big compensation for the support you give.
Try ,it out..........you will be surprised , wht good feeling an KIk can give.........