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Thailand was a cheap paradies, but now it is not.....but still worth a trip

A long tiem ago, thailand was well known for a cheap holiday destinations for sex,fun and beaches.

In recent years there are many changes. Thailand is far more developed , than people think who never come to this country. The infrastructure is in very good and solid condition,fiberglass for internet in every city aviable. Many international hotelbrands and famous restaurant chains choose thailand as favourite destination.Great shoppingcenters,cultural,beaches and more is awaiting the visitor. The country is save and secure.

Yes its getting more expensive..but do not forget, you get high standard,friendly people andmore for your money.

Stil in thailand, you can eat for 1 euro, the basic thai kitchen. but people have to undertsand, if you want luxury souroundings , with western settings, you have to accept a higher price.

In todays thailand, you can find food from all over the world, tuerkey,italy,china,us,german,swiss,greek,thaifusion, and much more. You find world class hotels and more. Yes we are more expensive ,but thanks, even our salarys, was increasd by the new goverment from minimum salary 180 to 300 in rural areas. and bangkoks average salarys hit already a monthly over 20.000 thb. our econommy is running well , visit bangkok and you know that we are in condition.

Thailand is known for friendly people, but do not overstrap our people.

The euro loose about 30% of its value in the last 5 years compare to the baht. What means incl inflation , the price for a holiday here ,it increasd by 50 %. but get a higher standard and let other people earn money too....we are glad about our proud future.

So for me, if you want to visit me for a holiday, on my webpage i do not change the price even euro is down only this year by 10% again.

Enjoy Thailand, the land of smiles



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